Pastor Ryan J. McKeen teaches an introduction to Theology Proper (the doctrine of God) Pt. 4 for Foundations of Fellowship theology class at Fellowship Baptist Church.
Foundations of Fellowship Pt. 4

Pastor Ryan J. McKeen teaches an introduction to Theology Proper (the doctrine of God) Pt. 4 for Foundations of Fellowship theology class at Fellowship Baptist Church.
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“Behold!” Pastor Richard C. Piatt 12/01/2024
“Something to be Very Thankful For” 2 Timothy 3:15-17 Pastor Richard C. Piatt II 11/24/2024
“It is Good to Give Thanks” Psalm 92 Pastor Ryan J. McKeen 11/17/2024
“The Good, Bad, and Ugly” 2 Timothy 3:1-15 Pastor Richard C. Piatt II 11/17/2024
“Into Your Hand I Commit My Spirit” Psalm 31 Pastor Ryan J. McKeen 11/10/24