Ericsson Family

Ericsson Family

Bob & Diana Ericsson
Missionaries to Texas

Association of Baptists for World Evangelism

April 2024

Beautiful Resurrection Weekend What a joy it was to lead our church services (English and Spanish) in the celebration of the most powerful weekend in Earth’s history. Good Friday brought to completion a four-sermon series on the Lamb of God in a beautiful, bilingual communion service. Resurrection Sunday began with a church breakfast and worship that glorified our Risen Savior and rekindled our love for Him. Like the disciples on their way to Emmaus asked in response to Jesus’ teaching, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” Bob told the church that he wants to view that video from Heaven’s archives to hear what Jesus taught on that Resurrection Day.

Spring Semester ESL Class # 5 takes place tonight at 6:30. Bob and Diana have enjoyed teaching new and returning students. We appreciate your prayers for this class which has provided welcome openings for sharing the gospel.

Valentine’s to VBS There were lots of good responses from our Valentines outreach. Our next major community outreach will be our June Vacation Bible School. Our house is already a repository for vines made of twisted wrapping paper and bamboo made of paper towel rolls. Prayer Requests • For the Lord to use ESL classes and our other outreaches to bring people to Christ. • For safe travels for trips that we have planned in the middle of April. Thank you for faithfully praying and giving for the furtherance of the gospel.

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