Burdett Family

Fellowship Baptist Church. A Confessional, Reformed, Baptist Church in Lakeland, Florida

Robert & Joanna Burdett
Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples

July 2024

In the past 9 weeks, I have flown 18 different flights, some involving several days in the capital. Though in looking back it was a lot of work, it was also a lot of progress. Just after the writing of the last prayer letter, we had our Baptism Sunday. There was much spiritual struggle leading up to that Sunday, but God was working. One person we had been praying for was Dimby. Dimby is a teen in our church who was recently saved. He had a desire to be baptized and had completed all the classes. However, his aunt would not allow him to be baptized stating he had been baptized as an infant in the Lutheran church and therefore was not allowed to partake in believer’s baptism. We continued to bring this before the Lord and on Baptism Sunday, Dimby arrived with a big smile. His grandfather had overridden his aunt’s decision and given him permission to proceed with believer’s baptism! The Sunday of the baptism had its own battles. Last time we baptized in the ocean, several people stated concern that they had seen a giant squid close to us in the water. Whether it was there or not I do not know, but I did not want that fear to be a distraction from our purpose. So, we bought a kiddie pool. Only problem with that was how to fill it since we only have a well at the church property. I arrived early on Sunday morning to attempt to fill the pool with a gaspowered pump. That pump fought me tooth and nail for close to 2 hours till just before service time. I had just enough time to run home and throw on a change of clothes before the service started! In total we had 8 people baptized. Since that service, we have 3 more that have already indicated a desire to be baptized. Praise the Lord for his work! Another of our prayer requests was for a vehicle to use to help us transport the teens to and from summer camp. Using the money that was donated over the past few months, I was able to purchase a used 4X4. Last week I was able to catch a flight into the capital to then drive it back to Maintirano. I made the trip without any major problems, though there are several major things I need to address before we make the trip to camp. While I was gone two of the men in the church took over my responsibilities on Sunday and one of the older teens handled youth group for me on Saturday. Joanna reported they all did well. It has been a joy to watch these men grow in their faith and ministry. For years we have been praying for men to be leaders, and though many have stumbled or walked away from the Lord, there has been a small remanent. For this we are grateful to God! August 5-9th we will hosting our annual VBS. This year we are holding it in two locations. Each evening, we will be having it at the church. Each morning, we will be holding a VBS in a school on the southwest side of town, an area in which we have been wanting to start an outreach. Please pray for much fruit and stamina as we conduct two sessions a day!

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