Welcome to Fellowship
The Doctrine of Fellowship Baptist Church
Statement of Belief
Statement of Belief The Statement of Belief of Fellowship Baptist Church. All members of Fellowship must be in basic agreement with the church’s Statement of Belief, Covenant, and Constitution. Any reservations will be considered on an individual basis by the Elders. What We Teach Fellowship Baptist Church is in basic, fundamental agreement with the Second…
Fellowship Baptist Church Covenant The Covenant of Fellowship Baptist Church. All members of Fellowship must be in basic agreement with the church’s Statement of Belief, Covenant, and Constitution. Any reservations will be considered on an individual basis by the Elders. As a member of Fellowship Baptist Church, and having been led by the Holy Spirit…
1689 Baptist Confession
1689 London Baptist Confession Fellowship Baptist Church is in basic, fundamental agreement with the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The elders of Fellowship Baptist Church commend the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith to the church as a clear, reliable (though not infallible), and edifying summary of the Christian faith. Though there are…
The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel
Fellowship Baptist Church is an official signer of “The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel” of 2018. You can view the statement on its website or download the PDF version. The first sentence from the website’s introduction explains the purpose of the statement: “In view of questionable sociological, psychological, and political theories presently permeating our culture and…